Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Marché de la Bastille (Bastille Market)

I happen to have the best landlady in the whole world. Not only has she given me amazing chocolates and home baked goods to enjoy in my fully stocked apartment, she also invited me along with her for a trip to the market. Not the grocery store, mind you; when I mentioned the grocery, she scoffed and said 'That's not a real market.' So we went on a nice long walk, full of advice on where to find good chocolates, cakes, and baguette. I do believe she has a sweet tooth!

I've been to several markets at this point, trying to figure out the best way for me to buy groceries. Although the Bastille Market is crowded and being overrun by tourists, what I like is that it is like the Markets I am used to from Taiwan. Big, many options, and selling everything one could want. Food, clothing, rugs, toys, antiques... Well, maybe not everything. I still had to run to the grocery for milk, juice, and cereal.

The only place I can think of with reasonably priced produce along with all the other packaged goods I might want is the Chinese grocery, go figure.

I bought a gift for my dad at this Puce (antique market) that also starts at Bastille. I had to resist also buying myself a crap guitar to have some sort of instrument to play while here.

1 comment:

  1. You will either have to take Kristin and I there or tell us how to get there :) looks nice.

    Cool pictures too!
