Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sainte Chapelle

I found out about this church on a visit to a nearby exhibit of some of Renzo Piano Building Workshop's work at the Palais de Justice. When passing by the church, one of my coworkers burst out into praises for the building, saying that we must absolutely all visit it. This endorsement was early on in my time here and was one of my first introductions to the very dramatic way French often express things. Of course, things might be less dramatic in french as heard by french speakers; but in direct translation to english, I've heard and received compliments around the office for simple things being 'perfect' 'magnificent' 'beautiful' 'incredible', words that would be used much more sparingly in the English language. I went with high expectations. 

The chapel was impressive. It was quite unlike any of the other European chapels I've visited. The space felt like a being in a jewel filled with light; all of the walls between the structural columns were made up of stained glass windows detailing out all of the stories of the bible from start to end.

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