Saturday, May 23, 2009


It's amazing how much the world of design seems to open up after just learning a very simple new process. In this case it was spot welding and wire bending. It always seems strange afterwards that I hadn't been able to figure it out before.

This project also demonstrated the beauty of constraints. I wish I had more photos of the other lamps produced in the classroom. Even though we were only allowed to use a limited set of materials (paper, wire, lamp parts) the results were quite varied and there was more than one that I could see myself buying out of a store.

Here is my first study model of the final design:

The idea was that instead of predetermining a form for the diffusive paper, the wire would act both as structure and form giver. Many tests were done using different lengths of wire with different curvature as well as various shapes of paper. Below is the final result.

There were also two other ideas I had for lamps which did not get played out:

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